

We are accredited with the following bodies

  • Trucksafe
  • Agsafe Mass Management
  • W.A. Heavy Vehicle Accreditation, Maintenance Management, Fatigue Management
  • Workcover

Rod Pilon Transport is fully accredited for handling, storage and distribution of Dangerous Goods, and our Dubbo & Brisbane depots are fully maintained and secure storage facilities for many kinds of hazardous materials. Rod Pilon Transport Work Cover Accreditation Number is 35/033235, and Agsafe Accreditation Number is 1772.

We have worked closely with local Fire authorities to ensure that our Dangerous Goods storage meets all exacting standards, and our staff are trained in the handling and storage of dangerous and hazardous materials.

As a growing part of our business is now handling and transporting Dangerous Goods, we are continuing our policy of ongoing and continuous training of our drivers and stores personnel, in order to meet our customers' needs.

OHS & Safety

Safety has always been one of our highest priorities. Rod Pilon Transport adopts a pro-active approach when it comes to managing OH & Safety, and issues of the transport industry such as driver fatigue and drug use. We maintain a strict policy of full compliance with all road safety regulations.

Our internal quality systems maintain that safety is a “shared responsibility” between the company and employees and are in place to in regard to vehicle checks and maintenance, as well as driver selection and training.

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